Earth Day

Earth Day Penny Drive- Tentatively scheduled for April
Use this post to dialogue and plan event

Katie, Tommy, Clara


  1. Hey guys!! I am so excited to be working with all of you. I think that this would be a really good way to reflect on what we have learned about saving energy like turning off the lights when you are not in the room etc. CLARA :D

  2. Clara

    I think you guys should do what the people in BTC did last year and went around sticking notes telling people they forgot to turn off their lights.


  3. I thought that was a good idea Sabrina and I think that we should do that again. Also, I think that we should do something to show the school how important this is to turn off your lights. As well, we can relate this back to our Science wiki and use some of the information. ( It is great that they can relate to each other) :D

  4. We agree, that we should do the BTC group did last year about sticking notes around the school reminding students and teachers to turn off their lights. Clara, we think that refering to the science wiki would be good because maybe we could send a letter home to student about conserving electricity in their houses, and talking about why we are participating in earth day.
    Katie & Tommy :D

  5. Hey Katie and Tommy! Can you catch me up on what you guys did last meeting because Talia and I was wrapping up the Vow of Silence. Thanks.

  6. I think that we should use our time effectivley on Tuesday because even though Earth day is in April, that doesn't mean you can fool around. I think that we know how hard it is to plan an initiative so hopefully Earth day will be sucesssful! CLARA :D

  7. Hey guys!! This is a really good website!! We found it really helpful and I am hoping that you find it helpful too. CLARA, KATIE AND TOMMY :D

  8. I can not wait till earth day begins I am so exited :DDD

  9. Me too Niya!! CLARA :D

  10. Hey guys!! On the BTC leadership wiki, I added a page called Earth Day Letter. Please go check it out and add your ideas. That way, I think we would be able to accomplish this initaive faster. CLARA :D

  11. Hey gusy!! I think that we should start using the btc leadership wiki because it would be more helpful. :) CLARA

  12. This Inititive is coming soon!!

  13. wasn't this inititive sopposed to be in april!!!!!!!!!!!!!
